


Question by  Purrlharbor (42)

Are remote car alarms batteries replaceable?


Answer by  Karthon (403)

Yes, some remote car alarms use standard lithium ion batteries which can be purchased in stores. To input them into the remote car alarm, open up the case (possibly by cutting part of the plastic shell), then carefully replace the battery. Test it to make sure it works (and that you didn't short anything) before you glue the case shut.


Answer by  jkareckygmailcom (85)

Batteries can be replaced in almost any car alarm remote. Look for a small Phillips head screw (or two). Remove the screw(s) and separate the case halves. Remove the battery and go to our nearest Radio Shack.


Answer by  butterfly (43)

Yes, car alarm batteries are replaceable. You can purchase them your car dealer. They can most likely install them there or you could do it yourself.


Answer by  springc (51)

Yes, car alarm batteries can be replaced however, because most are remote you must know where the battery is hidden and what kind or type it is?


Answer by  r34 (12)

it was depend on the type of the car alarm, some remote type can be changed, but some type can not be changed. but usually it can not be changed because it must have the right voltage in some case diferrent voltage of the battery makes the remote can not unlock or lock the door.

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