


Question by  AnswerMan15 (2)

Are Lightlife products vegan?


Answer by  AllergyDiva (40)

ConAgra (parent company) says that the Lightlife line includes "vegetarian and vegan" products. This suggests that reading product labels is probably necessary to determine whether non-vegan ingredients have been used to make the product, unless it is labeled specifically as being "vegan." (Some of the products, such as the Vegan Pepperoni, obviously are vegan.)


Answer by  foodie30 (93)

Not all Lightlife products are vegan, which means free of any animal ingredients such as; meat,dairy, eggs, or honey. They are all vegetarian, which means no meat.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

Yes, there products are vegan. You can figure this out very easily by this mentioned on their website "We're pro-veggie, pro-planet, pro-people".

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