

Question by  andrewkehoe (22)

Are Canna plants poisonous?

I want to move my Canna Lillies inside.


Answer by  Anonymous

CALLA Lillies (Zandeschia) can be poisonous. CANNA Lillies (Canna) are listed as non-toxic by all toxicological agencies and ASPCA and the root is often prepared and eaten. Always be careful with eating plants & berries but a simple check outside this site will illuminate this erroneous error. Enjoy.


Answer by  steverino (275)

You can safely move your Cann Lilies inside if you have no pets who like to chew, and no small children. All of the parts of the Lillies are poisonous, so I would exercise safe environmental procedures and keep them out of reach of those not informed- human or animal.


Answer by  colo22 (278)

The plant is poisonous even if chewed on, so children and pets would be at risk if they were to accidentally ingest it. If you needed to move them inside, make sure it is high enough and out of reach if children come to visit or you have curious pets.


Answer by  debi1954 (81)

You may move them inside if you don't have children or pets. All parts of Canna Lillies are poisoness and can lead to fatalities. If the leaves or blooms are ingested or even chewed in can lead to a severe reaction. All measures should be taken to avoid ingestion by humans or animals


Answer by  hibpmgirl (2166)

Yes it can be poisoinous. It is not unsafe to have in your home, but you have to be sure not to eat the plant or let your house pets chew on the plant

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