home decorating


Question by  amitza (16)

Are brown and blue good colors for a bathroom?


Answer by  JimSmith (137)

Blue would be a very nice color for a bathroom. I think the brown would not look very good, unless it was a very pastel color.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Yes, they are good colors as long as they are not too dark. A pale blue and a warm chocolate brown would look great together in a bathroom.


Answer by  Samea (33)

Brown is not good for a bathroom. Blue is very fine for it. Blue color gives a cool touch to us. Blue tiles look beautiful in any way.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Depending on your taste, brown and blue are great colors for a bathroom. Brown is earthy and homey, and blue is very calming and serene.


Answer by  sabeenaIbrahim (41)

If use dark u didnt identify the water so u may slip in bathroom.If use thick colours the bathroom always dark colour. If use light colours it gives bright.

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